This is where you’ll find all the necessary information for TRAINING2XL’s signature small team training program, TEAM2XL. If you have access to this page, it means you’re already part of the team!
Be sure to check out this page for all documents, reminders, and special dates.
Please see below for links to all TEAM2XL documents!
Attendance Tracking Document
Please take a moment to fill out the dates that you will be absent in the upcoming month, and a friendly reminder that there is a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel within 24-hours, you will be accountable for the session.
Before starting with the TEAM2XL program, it’s important that you’ve filled out the training intake/ waiver below. Please do so at your nearest convenience.
Everyone has 1 free guest pass per month to bring a friend or loved one. The guest pass can only be used on an individual that is not already a part of the program, or has not already been to more than 2 sessions previously. All you need to do is pass along their email so I can contact them prior with a waiver to fill out.
WhatsApp Chat
All communication will be done via the WhatsApp chat, so if you haven’t already done so, be sure to join!
Check the calendar above for dates of this month’s drop-in and remember that you need to register for Saturday sessions (different from the weekly sessions)!
If you have any questions or are seeking specific guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at - here to support however I can⚡️