What’s Inside the Course:
MODULE 1: Connection
Learn how to develop rapport and establish relationships to get the most out of your clients.
MODULE 2: Communication
Learn what it means to be an effective communicator to your clients, and gain the confidence to deliver instruction.
MODULE 3: Cueing
Learn the difference between internal and external cueing to empower your client to move well and develop a better understanding of their bodies.
MODULE 4: Cueing the Foundational Movement Patterns
A practical look at cueing the foundational movement patterns of the Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Press, and Pull.
MODULE 5: Cueing Progressive Movement Patterns
An in-depth look at cueing more complex movement patterns like the Push Press, Jump Squat, Barbell Deadlift, and Barbell Front Squat.
MODULE 6: Basics of Periodization
Learn the foundational principles of linear periodization to gain a thorough understanding of what’s needed to create a comprehensive strength training program.
MODULE 7: Variations in Programming
Learn about different programming modalities that can be used with a variety of different demographics.
MODULE 8: Program Design
A practical application of the previous modules to allow you to take what you know about programming and design a program that will allow your clients to excel in their sport and life.